Weirdness Ensues! Alien Abductions in Uldum?!

Uldum Residents Reported this Odd Event to the Gnomish paper, Weekly Word Gnews, but only the Land of Odd took the tip seriously! Wait... Really?

ULDUM, Kalimdor, July 2nd – People along the southern coast of Uldum were treated to a strange sight today.  A possible case for extraterrestrial life visiting this small blue marble called Azeroth that may or may not take place in the same universe as Starcraft.  After another routine visit from the Aspect of Death himself, witnesses spotted a strange occurrence of fire apparently levitating the air amongst the destruction.  Is this proof that aliens that can actual fly their spacecraft correctly are visiting Azeroth?  Or is this just Vrykerion’s extremely stretched attempt at making a bad pun about an old science fiction film while he stalls for a bigger post that he hopes to have up later this week?  You decide!

Categories: Other Stuff, Photo Fun | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Weirdness Ensues! Alien Abductions in Uldum?!

  1. You could be right! Thriftee spotted UFO’s in Westfall

  2. I agree, something is up. I am positive you made a Demolition Man taco reference somewhere and now I can’t find it. Obviously the work of aliens.

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