New Level Cap, New Ironman

Level 90 Immortal Ironman: Lyssan

Well, it’s happened folks.  The challenge was set forth and the World of Warcraft rose to meet it.  We have a new Ironman.

It’s been declared that LYSSAN of VEK’LINASH (US) is our World First Level 90 Immortal Ironman. A great big congratulations on the achievement!

As it has been with past winners, your name is now eternally carved into the history of the Ironman Challenge.

And I must say, a huge props on accomplishing this task with a priest.  Early on in the challenge I know a couple people tried to do priests, thinking that the heals and shield would be helpful in the long run.  Ultimately they were defeated by the massive drain of their mana pool. While I’m not sure if that has changed at all in Mists of Pandaria, I am still willing to say that hitting level 90 on priest Ironman style takes balls. Iron balls.  So a massive congrats to Lyssan!

Categories: Ironman Challenge, Other Stuff | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “New Level Cap, New Ironman

  1. At some point Ironsally wants to try to get to 90 the old fashioned way, no death is just too hard core for her. That is quite an accomplishment!

  2. Pingback: Of Death and Ironmen « The Land of Odd

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